Green Black Walnut Hull Freeze Dried Capsules
Helps in the fight against harmful pathogens*
Supports normal cleansing of the body*
Alcohol free alternative to Black Walnut Tincture
Green Black Walnut Blend helps to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful pathogens. By nature black walnut hull contains powerful compounds that fight microorganisms that have taken up residence in your body. This potent antimicrobial also promotes digestive health and bowel regularity.*
The bitterness of black walnut hull is a turn-off to pathogens that invade the body. Juglone, a compound found in black walnut hull, is toxic to many species of microorganisms. We use the hull when it’s young and still green, ensuring a greater concentration of juglone.
Black walnut hull also contains tannins, compounds that act as protection from predation, which support cleansing the body of unwanted organisms. Additionally, black walnut hull is a natural source of iodine, which is good for thyroid function, but also attacks harmful organisms. The alkaline-forming property of black walnut hull produces an environment that microorganisms cannot thrive in.*
Safety Information
As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you have ulcers, gallstones or are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care provider prior to taking this product. The use of this supplement is not intended to treat any disease, and does not claim to cure or prevent any disease.
Interaction with Medication and Other Supplements
If you are taking medications, you should check with your physician or pharmacist prior to using our products. You can also get drug interaction information from one of the many sites on the internet. Search for: Interaction with Medications, Supplements.
Note Regarding Children
Please do personal research and consult with your health care professional before giving any supplements to children. Suggested use is typically designed for adults and may be higher than you would give to a child.
Consult with Your Healthcare Professional
Please do not use the directions as a substitute for the advice from your health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any actions or diagnosis made by you based on the instructions. We encourage you to consult with your health care professional, do personal research, and check all our ingredients against a reference book before consuming this product.