Dr Hulda Clark's Parasite Cleanse (with 4oz Tincture)
When purchased together as a Kit you save 10% $53.87
Purchased individually these products would cost $59.85
1 Green Black Walnut Tincture 4 oz
1 Freshly Ground Cloves 100 capsules
1 Wormwood caps 100 capsules
The parasite Program is easy to do. Your package will include a daily guide explaining what to take on a daily basis and when to take it!
The instructions for the Parasite Program can also be viewed on the link below:
Regarding Ornithine & Arginine
In Dr Clark's books, she recommends taking Ornithine and Arginine along with the Parasite Program. This is optional
Below is some info taken from the books to help you determine if you think you want to add these 2 items to the program or not.
The main 3 ingredients (Green Black Walnut, Cloves and Wormwood) are the specific herbs that help to kill the parasites. But the Ornithine and Argininie are helpful for some people. Please read below and if you'd like to add them, there is a link below.
Regarding Ornithine...“Parasites produce a great deal of ammonia as their waste product. Ammonia is their equivalent of urine and it is set free in our bodies by parasites in large amounts. Ammonia is very toxic, especially to the brain. I believe this causes insomnia and other sleep problems at night and anxiety by day. By taking ornithine at bedtime you will sleep better. It is known that ammonia is a strong brain irritant. In fact, a person can be awakened from a coma by being made to smell ammonia "smelling salts." Ornithine reacts with ammonia, mopping it up like a sponge. Start by taking ornithine, 2 at bedtime on the first night you get it. You don't need to wait for the rest of the program to start on ornithine. Take 4 ornithine caps on the second night. Take 6 ornithine caps at bedtime on the third night. After this take 4 or 6 ornithine caps at bedtime every night till you are sleeping soundly. Then go off ornithine and see whether your sleep is as good without it. Use as needed. It is not habit forming.” “The Cure For All Diseases”
Take the Arginine as follows... “Arginine, another amino acid, also reacts with ammonia, but does not put you to sleep. So there is more to insomnia than mere inability to reduce ammonia levels. Arginine results in alertness and therefore should be used in the morning, when needed. Take 1 capsule upon arising and 1 capsule before lunch and dinner or as needed for energy.” “The Cure For All Diseases”
Safety Information
As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you have ulcers, gallstones or are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care provider prior to taking this product. The use of this supplement is not intended to treat any disease, and does not claim to cure or prevent any disease.
Interaction with Medication and Other Supplements
If you are taking medications, you should check with your physician or pharmacist prior to using our products. You can also get drug interaction information from one of the many sites on the internet. Search for: Interaction with Medications, Supplements.
Note Regarding Children
Please do personal research and consult with your health care professional before giving any supplements to children. Suggested use is typically designed for adults and may be higher than you would give to a child.
Consult with Your Healthcare Professional
Please do not use the directions as a substitute for the advice from your health care professional. We are not responsible or liable for any actions or diagnosis made by you based on the instructions. We encourage you to consult with your health care professional, do personal research, and check all our ingredients against a reference book before consuming this product.
Disclaimer Notice: Our statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat cure, or prevent any diseases. Please note that reference to Dr. Clark protocols or production methods does not imply that our products can be proven to be any better than other similar products when using US government approved science. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please read full disclosure here